What I Want My child To know About Building a Great life 

Book Excert






Chapter One The Great Route Towards A Great Life














Chapter Two The First Step In Faith

Chapter Three Gaining The Power Of Attraction

Chapter Four The Seven Super Steps To A Super Life

Chapter Five 28 Laws Of Money

Chapter Six The Miracle Of Perseverance

Chapter Seven How To Follow Your Heart; The Story Of My Life According To Queen Latifah


Praise For The Book


Chapter Five 28 Laws Of Money

“Yes, money is not the key to happiness, but with sufficient amount of it, the key can be made”

My dear child,

Many years ago, I applied for a United Kingdom driving license. I was sent a huge book on traffic laws. I stayed indoor for days reading and mastering the rules. At the end, I was convinced that there would be no accident if everyone followed the laws, that every accident is a violation of one or more of the laws. Poverty is the penalty for violating one or more of the laws of money.

The school system handed us certificates to earn money, and then pushed us on the street with no training on how to make or keep money, let alone, how to make money grow. Today, you have the opportunity to cure this deficiency.

In any game, if you don't follow the rules, you set yourself up to lose. To follow the rules, you must know the rules. When you study and follow the laws and get the skills, you win; you prosper.

In the past 30 years, I have studied the subject of money with unparalleled attention. I have read books after books; I have attended several seminars both at home and abroad. I built a huge library on the subject of money and business management. I went back to the university after my medical degree to fetch more academic knowledge and attained a masters degree in Business Management. I listened to several CDs, DVDs and documentaries about the subject of money. I wrote a popular book about the hidden principles of money, now being sold all over the world. I have taught the laws of money to many people with stunning testimonies and amazing prosperity.

In going through several books that spell the laws of money, I have taken the pain to separate the “wheat from the chaff”. I have included here only such laws as I have validated from my own experience; laws that are tested, tried and proven to be infallible and workable.

Today, you will get only the meat in the pie, and be spared the “lousy loaf.” These laws will benefit you. You will get wiser and richer. As you go through, certain ideas will spring forth from within, ideas that urge you to take certain steps. Jot such ideas down and take the necessary step. This is the essence.

1. The Law of Exchange: Money i s the medium through which people exchange their labour in the production of goods and services, for the goods and services of others.

2. The Law of Capital: Your most valuable asset, in terms of cash flow, is your physical and mental capital, your earning ability. Money is secondary to health and wisdom as start-up capital.

“Thought, not money, is the real business capital,” says Harvey S. Firestone, “and if you know absolutely what you are doing is right, then you are bound to accomplish it in due season.”


And Henry Ford said; “If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.”


3. The Law of Abundance: We live in an abundant universe in which there is sufficient money for all who really want it and are willing to obey the laws governing its acquisition.

“Think abundance, feel abundance, believe abundance and you will find that as you think and feel and believe, abunance will manifest itself in your daily life” says Robert Collier.


4. Babylonian Law: Pay yourself first. For all the money you earn, you put aside 10% to pay yourself before you pay anyone else. Financial freedom comes to the person who saves and invests 10% or more of his income throughout his lifetime. It is vital to save. There is a bundle of sense in the joke that;

“The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.”

 In David Copperfield, Charles Dickens wrote;

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound and six, result misery.”


5. The Law of Time Perspective: The most successful people in any society are those who take the longest period into consideration when making their day-to-day decisions. Determine to save for as long as there is breath in you, and keep finding ways to invest the money as it accumulates.

6. The Law of Conservation: It is not how much you make , but how much you keep, that determines your financial future. It is fidelity to t h e Babylonian Law.

7. Parkinson's Law: Expenses always rise to meet income. To become financially successful, you mu s t violate Parkinson's Law.

8. The Law of Investing: Investigate before you invest. Be educated first on a trade before you commit your fortune to it. Get practical experience. It thus seems that before you accomplish anything, you must do certain things first. William A. Ward put it well when he said;

“Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate, before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give.”


9. The Law of Compound Interest: You become financially independent by investing your money carefully and allowing it to grow at compound interest. The interest rate must never be seen as the only incentive for saving. When y o u save, then you will imagine or consider yourself a responsible trustee to this account and determine a prudent approach to invest the savings.

10. The Law of Accumulation: Every great financial achievement is an accumulation of hundreds of small efforts and sacrifices that no one ever sees or appreciates. Today, you now take the pain to invest time and effort in learning the secret of success. This effort and sacrifice will soon being to accumulate and bring the desired prosperity and happiness. The vast majority of friends and acquaintances will shun your kind of preparation but will be more than willing to label your success as luck when they see you prosper.

11. The Law of Attraction: The more you save and accumulate, the more you attract into your life.

12. The Law of Acceleration: The faster you move towards financial freedom, the faster it moves towards you. What you seek seeks you.

13. Murchison's Law: Money is like manure. If you spread it around, it does a lot of good. But if you pile it up in one place, it stinks like hell. Share 10% of your income on charity. Henry Ford said; Money is like an arm or leg, use it or lose it.

14. Carson's Law: It's better to be rich and healthy than to be poor and sick. Stay away from any component of the unholy alliance of poverty, ignorance and disease.

Carson advised that you learn and practice the principle of prosperity and health. Health is wealth, wealth is not health.

15. Law of Timing: Money sooner is better than money later. Eliminate the risk of not getting p a i d by getting your money up-front. This also tests whether the other side is serious. Not getting your money up-front is granting a loan.

16. The Law of Form: Get the best form of money you can. Cash is better than cheque, a certified cheque is better than a personal cheque. A personal cheque is better than a “promisory note.” And anything is better than a verbal, “I owe you.”

17. The Pareto Law Of Money: If you set a goal to save a given amount of money over a specified period of time, you save 20% of the amount in the first 80% of the period and 80% in the last 20% of the period.

18. The Law of Giving: The more you give, the more you get.

19. Nightingale's Law of Income: The money that you earn as an individual, a group, company, state, or nation is directly proportional to the demand for what you do, how well you do it, and the difficulty of replacing you.

20. Brian Tracy's Law of Scope: Every individual engaged in the art of saving tends to have a limit to their saving capacity within which they feel comfortable, out of which they get restless.

Understanding this limit is a necessary prerequisite to breaking it.

21. The Law of Need: Money is a deficiency need. The desire and motivation to get it arrive when you feel that you don't have enough.

a. Above a certain level, when you feel that you have enough, it is no longer a motivator, you don't think about it very much.

b. When you have very little, you think about nothing else. Edith Warton wrote that, “the only way not to think about money is to have a great deal of it.”

22. The Ben Franklin's Law: Don't lose money.

a. Frugality is the key

b. Keep account. Be mindful and diligent about its movement around you.

c. Save money

W. Clement Stone said:

“If you cannot save money, then the seed of financial greatness is not in you.”

 23. Feather’s Law of Money: states that the day you make up your mind to start saving is the very day that conditions and circumstances that will make saving impossible rear their heads. This is nature's way of testing your seriousness. You must pass this test. Save nevertheless.

24. The Law of Momentum: The more money you gather, the more you tend to gather, the more debt you gather, the more you tend to gather. Debts breed like toads. This is another reason w h y the rich tend to get richer, and the poor tend to get poorer.

25. The Law of Earning Capacity: This states that the more you learn, the more you earn. Learning about money should be deliberate, continuous and never ending. This is probably the most important law. You must increase your knowledge and wisdom so that in the event of misfortune, you will be able to use the skills you have acquired to get back all your losses and much more. The more you know, the more you grow.

26. The Law of Planning: Plan for the future. Never ignore the fact that the time will come when you will be unable to work at the rate you do now. Never assume that the government, your company, your children or anyone else is going to take care of you. Your job is to plan in advance to take care of your self. This is precisely what you are doing now. Your primary responsibility in life is to succeed.

27. The Law of Harmonious Growth: Money carries energy, as human beings do. The money you have must match your energy. Disharmony arrives when you suddenly derive unearned money. Winning or inheriting a large sum of money can create more challenges than you can expect or endure. The best way to get rich is to get rich slowly.

Getting money gradually at a pace you can adjust to is the ideal. Many people who have won or inherited large sums of money have also lost or spent them in just a few years. Their own energy or frequency of vibration cannot match that of the huge sum. The very few who keep their wind-falls manage to keep the same job, the

same lifestyle, and the same homes. They simply bank the money and begin to gradually get used to the increased amount, their energy grows slowly to match the energy of the saved money. They derive elevated consciousness.

a. The ready availability of money in large sums can rob you of passion for service.

b. Money should be secondary to what you do.

Receiving money you have not earned can be a curse rather than a blessing.

28. The Law of Vibration: Everything, including human beings, everything in the universe, is in constant vibration. As you think in terms of prosperity, your vibrations begin to change and you begin to attract new people who think in terms of abundance; who vibrate at the same frequency. You also begin to attract the environment and circumstance that are compatible with opulence. If you are close to a person who is succeeding, you begin to have the same vibration of success yourself. It may not be to the same degree, but your vibration will be elevated.

a. Do not feel jealous, resentful or threatened by someone who is successful or who is rich. If everyone around you begins to succeed, then you are surrounded with the vibration of success, and your success will grow faster.

b. When you hear of the good fortune of others, celebrate their success with the happy knowledge that it affirms the abundance that is available in you as well.

How To Accelerate Prosperity


1. Success in accumulating money begins with a desire to serve

I have extracted the following quote from Robert Coller’s great work, The Master Code To Abundance And Achievement for your sake;

“Only as you are equipped for service can you serve; only as you serve are you of value to others; only as you are of value to others are you paid, and the gold and the silver and the treasures of the earth are yours to enjoy.”


a. What do you know how to do?

b. What special talent do you seem to possess?

c. If you have more than one talent, about which one do you feel the easiest or which is the most


d. What do you love to do so much that you are willing to do it free (selflessness)?

W. J. Cameron said;

“Money never starts an idea; it is the idea that starts money.”


e. Start where you are, today, with what you have. If possible, volunteer to do it free. This is the right thing to do. This helps develop who you are and what your life is about. Anything you start grows, and money invariably follows.

f. The desire to do it must grow into an obsession. This generates passion, enthusiasm and grants energy.

g. Your desire to serve shall progressively and increasingly incorporate a desire to earn and store the effect of your service (money).

h. It is service first and money next.

i. When you pursue money first, it creates premature wealth which ultimately ends in social disaster and humiliation.

j. Money is a means to an end. It must never be an end in itself.

2. Successful people think about what they want. Unsuccessful people think about what they lack.

a. You get more of what you think about.

b. When you place your everyday thoughts on

what you desire in life, you are led to the object

of your desire.

c. Whatever you think about expands.

d. Think plenty, abundance. Never think scarcity.

e. Your thought is a powerful magnetic force and you are a master at bringing about whatever you put your attention on.

3. There is always enough for everyone.

a. Begin today; start thinking only about what it

feels like to have all what you desire.

b. What it feels like to have a massive amount of money.

c. What it feels like to really be successful.

d. Keep those thoughts, and only those thoughts in your mind throughout the day and you will start to manifest them in your reality.

4. Abundance is not an extravagant , glamorous style of living maintained purely to impress others, or one that does not reflect your true self.

a. Most war and strife come from a belief in scarcity.

b. You contribute to planetary peace by beginning to believe in abundance for yourself and others.

c. If humanity believed in abundance for all, it could be created.

5. Peace of mind is your natural state of being.

a. You create peace of mind or serenity when you establish and pursue powerful and tangible life values.

b. When you substitute money as a goal or motivating factor for the more important things in life, you create pain rather than pleasure. Franklin

d. Roosevelt puts it this way;

“Happiness is not in the possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts.”

c. Money is not the root of all evil but the love of it at the expense of your true values.

d. When money begins to arrive, see it as a source of good that is awaiting the opportunity to bring you good, to improve your life and the lives of others.

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